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Page 24

  Come… Hannah lowered onto all fours, bowing her head low, so that the cubs knew that she meant them no harm.

  Kill them… Jake urged her, trying to rise to a stand.

  I can’t carry you both… Hannah shook her head, taking a step back as the cubs crept forward.

  The two largest cubs were the first to reach them, sniffing at her bloodied claws before looking mournfully to the spot where their master had taken his final breath. They were only babies, but they understood what she wanted. Gently Hannah lifted Ryan’s head until it was high enough to drape over a cubs back. Five more times she repeated this, positioning the massive bird until his weight was completely off the ground.

  Stones were starting to fall around them, crashing from the walls and shattering in a million pieces over the floor. There wasn’t much time, Hannah lowered herself as Jake had done so many times for her, scooting under his broken body until he lay on stomach, draped across her back.

  Follow! She gritted out under the nearly unbearable weight that she now carried, her eyes now on the light at the end of the tunnel in front of them.

  It was finally over.



  A scream stuck in her throat as Creed buried his claws deep in her back. She was finished, dying, memories flashing bright and fast as she fought to focus on something that would give her peace. The golden daggers adorning her paws became flowers, claws giving way to human fingers that reached for the bright white light coming to claim her.

  “Jake!” Hannah gasped as she jumped up in the chair, the nightmare dissipating as her surroundings came into focus.

  “Goldilocks,” Jake whispered, a smile tugging the corners of his mouth at the surprised look on Hannah’s face.

  “How long have you been awake?!” Hannah cried, tears springing to her eyes as she rushed to the side of the bed.

  “Long enough to see your dream,” Jake murmured, his eyes meeting hers as she caressed his face.

  “It took you so long to heal; it’s been days,” Hannah sighed in relief, shaking her head at the nightmare that kept coming back. “I thought…”

  “He’s dead,” Jake stopped her.

  “He is,” Hannah confirmed, swiping at the tears that streaked her cheeks now.

  “And Ryan…?”

  “Is…recovering,” Hannah responded carefully, not sure if now was the right time to tell Jake that his friend might never be the same again.

  “I blacked out before we got out of the tunnel,” Jake admitted. “I thought I’d broken my promise. I thought…”

  “Shh…” Hannah quieted him with a gentle kiss on his lips. “The town is safe, my father is proud of you, and we have forever.”

  “Forever,” Jake whispered, pulling her down so that she was wrapped safely in his arms once again.

  “I should go get your parents…”

  “No, stay,” Jake stopped her from moving, sharing the newly formed memory his father had just shared with him. “They already know.”

  Tears pricked Hannah’s eyes once more as she watched Rone gather Marigold in his arms, both of them shedding tears of joy. It was a memory that she would cherish forever.

  “So what now?” Hannah smiled up at Jake, carefully snuggling under his arm so that her head rested on his chest.

  She felt his heart quicken, a past memory of their time together at the glass lake filling her vision.

  “Wanna go for a ride?” He teased, taking the playful punch she immediately delivered to his shoulder

  “You just concentrate on getting better please,” Hannah giggled, her own pulse quickening at the possibilities for their future.

  There would be plenty of time to tell him about the six cubs that had helped save his friend’s life. The council had agreed with her decision to let them live, and had each adopted one to be raised under their wing, with the hopes that Creed’s evilness would dissipate as they grew separate and apart from each other.

  A new legend had been born, and even though Hannah had spent every waking minute since the mine collapse at Jake’s bed side, she knew the town would be forever grateful for Goldilocks and her three bears. She couldn’t ask for a better ending, or a more certain future.

  “I love you,” Hannah whispered into his ear, her mind opening fully so that he could see all that those three little words fully meant.

  “I love you too,” Jake echoed on a sigh of contentment, his knuckle pushing back the strand of hair that had settled on her cheek. “Goldilocks.”

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  The Gifts Trilogy:

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